Saturday, October 11, 2008

Reservation system in India

Hello people of the 21st century!

I am living in 2108 and am a resident of India, although I’m not Indian. Ever since United Kingdom agreed to rule India upon India’s request, there was some Britisher or the other doing the job I’m currently doing over here in this country called India where only unqualified engineers and doctors live. It’s really difficult to live in a pariah nation like this. But I’m fine because I live among the colonies of the elite.

Ever since this thing called time-fax machine was invented, people like me can send fax to the past and that’s how this comes to you.

India’s elite and educated now lives in large private areas and have employed non-Indian maids and house-help and are prospering well. However, 98% of the middle class is composed of people who are now called flea junta; illiterate B.Tech and MBBS degree-holders who were able to study at IIT/AIIMS because they were fortunate enough to be born in a caste that reserved their admission. How did this happen?

Well, there was a mantri called arjun singh (These days we don’t capitalise names of dishonorable people.)

He died because of a mistake made by a surgeon operating on him. The surgeon made the cut too deep and infected arjun’s intestines. The surgeon even sewed up leaving a bottle of spirit in arjun’s body. arjun was discharged from the hospital and lived hell for 3 weeks before the spirit completely burned arjun’s innards.

It was later discovered that the surgeon had studied in AIIMS and had gotten admission by virtue of his caste. Also, to make matters worse he was taught by a professor who had gotten admission by the same virtue. arjun singh’s family sued the hospital for negligence and even went to court but the surgeon’s family and friends beat arjun singh’s family to death with stones. The case was closed at that point. arjun singh’s family too was eaten by insects and dogs, maybe even some hungry people. Yes, there are a lot of cannibals in this country now.

Many people here hope to send their kids to relatively better countries like Sudan and Somalia for higher education since they are unwelcome in developed nations like US and UK.

Be warned and change course when you can,

Adam Baum

“If you don’t change direction, you run the risk of ending up where you’re going.”

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